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Baldurs Gate 3
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Honkai Star Rail
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- Первооткрыватель в Honkai Star Rail
- Все сундуки Сада безмятежности в Honkai Star Rail
- Беглецы в Доме кандалов
- Заказ прокси
- Дом кандалов: сундуки и робоптахи
- Гексанексус: Remake в ХСР
Assassin's Creed Origins: вышел патч 1.03
Сегодня утром разработчики из Ubisoft выпустили первый пострелизный патч для Assassin’s Creed: Origins. Патч обновляет версию игры до 1.03 и устраняет множество проблем. Видимо это тот самый Title Update, о котором говорили разработчики.

На форуме Ubisoft опубликован более полный список изменений, текст обновлен.
Вот список наиболее важных изменений, введенных патчем 1.03:
- Песчаные бури больше не появляются над водой;
- Улучшена детализация некоторых катсцен;
- Улучшены кинематографические переходы в катсценах;
- У Айи появилась возможность парировать удары;
- Теперь можно подбирать добычу, выпавшую внутри клеток;
- Персонаж игрока больше не теряет здоровье при парировании;
- Исправлена проблема, из-за которой львы в клетках не могли наносить урон;
- Улучшена навигация для персонажа игрока, NPC и животных;
- Поддержка телевизоров с технологией HDR;
- Улучшение стабильности и производительности;
- Улучшена детализация некоторых областей;
- Устранены разнообразные проблемы с освещением;
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой могли повторяться реплики в диалогах;
- Устранены проблемы с графикой после изменения настроек без перезапуска игры;
- Улучшена поддержка многомониторных систем;
- Увеличены награды за победы на Арене и Ипподроме;
- Улучшены реакции NPC;
- Улучшено управление верховыми животными;
- Добавлена поддержка Dolby Atmos и разрешения 4К для Xbox One X;
Полный список изменений патча 1.03 (на английском) опубликован ниже:
- Improved stability and performance
- Improved some visuals and looting issues on incapacitated or dead NPCs
- Fixed multiple loading issues when getting back to playable character after using Senu
- [PC] Fixed various issues in VRAM Meter
- [PC] Fixed various issues in multi-monitor mode
Graphics & Audio
- [Xbox One X][PS4 Pro] Added HDR TV support
- [Xbox One X] Added 4K support on Xbox One X
- [Xbox One X] Added Dolby Atmos support
- Added audio feedback on conflict warning
- Added audio feedback when sheathing and unsheathing weapons with Aya
- Added splashing sound when falling in water while mounted
- Integrated Japanese voice overs in Military points of interest in certain languages
- Fixed issue where dialogue lines could play twice
- [PC] Fixed geometric explosions and artifacts after applying options without restart of the game
- Improved some textures stretches and flickers
- Improved the world visual when riding horse at high speed
- Improved multiple spawning positions for NPCs and animals
- Improved level of details in different locations
- Fixed multiple lighting issues
- Fixed some floating objects
- Fixed water visual close to ships at night
- Fixed looting issue on a chest inside Cyrene Barracks
- Added parry ability to the playable character, Aya
- Added rumble and visual feedback to Charge Heavy Attack while mounted
- Allowed player to Assassinate an enemy while in fight with another group of enemies
- Allowed Kill Loot ability in bare handed combat
- Improved playable character, NPCs, and animal navigation
- Improved NPCs reactions
- Improved smoke bomb throwing usability
- Improved spawn locations when reloading checkpoint in the Cyrene region
- Improved controls on mount
- Balanced damages when executing an Overpower Chain Throw
- Prevented sandstorm from appearing over water
- Prevented performing Overpower ability on allies
- Prevented playable character from changing stance during dialogue scenes
- Fixed various issues with the playable character being stuck in overheat stance, in haystacks, or in the world geometry under certain circumstances
- Fixed an issue preventing players from picking up arrows in some circumstances
- Fixed an issue preventing players from interacting with loot bags dropped inside cages
- Fixed an issue where screen would briefly turn black when entering pause menu while in Stone Circle activity
- Fixed an issue where the thrown weapon could sometimes not hit the intended enemy when using the Overpower Chain Throw ability
- Fixed an issue with Critical Attack ability where playable character could sometimes not reach his target
- Fixed an issue with caged lions attacks not dealing any damage
- Fixed an issue with Ledge Assassination on sleeping enemies
- Fixed an issue with Sickle Swords, Heavy Blunt & Scepter Classes not able to transition from Charged Heavy Attack to Charged Light Attack
- Fixed the visual effect on Sickle Sword's Charged Light Attack
- Fixed an issue where arrows could sometimes not hit a moving enemy when locked on him
- Fixed some inconsistencies when using the Parry ability with Sickle Swords
- Fixed the weapon rotation when releasing a Charged Heavy Attack
- Fixed the camera movement while being locked on to an enemy
- Fixed an issue where the playable character could lose health when parrying
- Fixed an issue with Captains’ throwing knives not dealing damage
- Fixed an issue where player could not loot animals in water while being on ground
- Fixed an issue where playable character would leave shield stance upon throwing a Smoke Bomb following a Dash action
- Fixed an issue where the hidden blade would lose its upgrades upon respawning
- Fixed an issue preventing the predator bow to hit targets in water
- Fixed multiple issues with counterweights in Adorer of Thoth Tomb
- Improved various cinematic transitions
- Improved level of detail during several cinematic sequences
- Improved NPC behavior in the Amanai Cave during the "Water Rats" quest
- Improved cinematic during "The Lizard's Mask" quest
- Improved multiple spawned positions for NPCs and animals in quests
- Altered Present Day to prevent Leyla from taking unwanted paths back to the Animus
- Fixed issue with the interaction with NPCs the Cat and Mouse quest
- Fixed out of bound issues in Present Day
- Fixed an issue where enemies would enter into conflict with playable character during the walk and talk for "Old Times" quest
- Fixed an issue where Jeska would run after stray hippo's during "Smoke over water" quest
- Fixed an issue where cinematic would not end unless skipped during "Taste of Her Sting" quest
- Fixed an issue where Gennadios could stay stuck on horse during "Gennadios the Phylakitai" quest
- Fixed the cinematic trigger during the boss fight of "The Lizard's Mask" quest
- Fixed an issue where assassination celebration would appear prematurely during "The Battle of the Nile" quest
- Fixed an issue preventing the world from loading properly during 'The Final Weighing' quest
- Fixed an issue where Taharqa could stop moving during "The Scarab's Lies" quest
- Fixed an issue where Nikias would spawn far away from chariot after failing during "Wild Ride" quest
- Fixed an issue where the playable character could remain stuck in a dialogue scene in "What's Yours Is Mine" quest
- Fixed an issue where "Pompeius Magnus" quest would not appear in the "Completed" section of the Quest Log
- Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loading after completing "May Amun Walk Beside You" quest
- Fixed an issue where the beggar could remain stuck while climbing a rock near Omorfi Villa in ’A Dream of Ashes’’ quest
- Fixed issues with unwanted NPCs or animals appearing in cinematics camera shots
- Fixed an issue where Meketre could not enter in combat mode during "The Hungry River" quest
- Fixed an issue sometime preventing the interaction with Hotephres in ‘’Shadya’s Rest’’ quest
- Fixed an issue where playable character would light himself on fire when lighting some torches
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the final part of "Aya" quest from starting
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Nikias from mounting chariot during "Wild Ride" quest
- Fixed an issue that could prevent Bayek from interacting with chests while holding his gear during "The Scarab’s Lies" quest
- Fixed an issue that could cause the hay bundles to fall out of world during "Abuse of Power" quest
- Fixed an issue where Bayek could be killed during a black screen transition when completing ‘’The Scarab’s lies’’ quest
- Fixed various issues preventing objectives from updating in various quests
- Increased Rewards in Hippodrome and Arena
- Fixed an issue where the recover prompt would disappear too fast in Hippodrome
- Fixed an issue with the Leaderboard not updating properly in the Arena or Hippodrome
- Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from progressing after the Duelist I encounter in the Arena
- Fixed the Arena’s entry gate that could remain open
User Interface
- Added back button icon to locked menu pages
- Added category filters in the Gear page of the Store
- Added a completed activity panel to some activity locations
- Added indication of the currently equipped gear in the shop upgrade menu
- Added a hold gauge to ‘Follow Road’ input representation
- Implemented camera roll in Photo Mode
- Implement multiple effect types (depth of field, exposure, vignette, temperature, tint, saturation, noise) in Photo Mode
- Improved Photo Mode grid to follow ‘Rule of Thirds’ principle
- Disabled Photo Mode when in Stone Circles
- Disabled critical messages when in Photo Mode
- Disabled filter selection during composition mode in Photo Mode
- Fixed issue where placing a waypoint on a photo thumbnail would display an infinite loading symbol
- Improved the loot icon when purchasing a Heka Chest
- Updated the Tame Animal ability description in the Ability Tree menu
- Reduced text size in Arena wave display to prevent display issues in some languages
- Corrected the number of Completed Quests visible in its section of the Quest Log menu
- Fixed some critical message from appearing even if HUD is set to minimal
- Fixed health bar display when aiming at Ptolemaic Champions
- Fixed missing Quest Icon in Daily Quest
- Fixed issue preventing research folders from opening in Present Day menu
- Fixed material icons display when deploying Senu
- Fixed an issue where the combat feedback could remain visible
- Fixed an issue where the "God Slayer" Ubisoft Club Action and Badge were not unlocked upon meeting the proper requirements
- Fixed an issue where world map would be desaturated if opened inside a tomb
- Fixed inconsistencies in crafted gear preview stats when item was already fully upgraded
- Fixed refresh issue where the Ancient Maps Pack remains present in the Store after purchasing any other Map
- Fixed last row of the Trinkets menu not being displayed correctly in inventory page of the menu
- Fixed several issues with suggested level for quests in the menu
- Fixed ellipsis glyph in Japanese, Korean, and Traditional Chinese fonts
- Fixed various visual and functionality, menu issues
- [PC] Added Very Low value for Clutter Graphics option
- [PC] Added tooltip images for all Graphics options
- [PC] Added Lock Sensitivity option
- [PC] Improved M&K controls in Photo-Mode, Eagle Mode and Stone Circles
- [PC] Improved warning feedback on key mapping repetition
- [PC] Removed the option to control quality level of Global Illumination
- [PC] Hid the playable character from the Performance Tool page
- [PC] Fixed overlapping button icons in the Block and Aim tutorial text when dual keys are assigned to these action
- [PC] Fixed the Tobii Eye Auto Pause function when Auto Pause Delay is set to 5/5
Читать далее
- Assassin’s Creed Origins: все филаки и костюм Черный капюшон
- Поделитесь своими скриншотами Assassin’s Creed Origins
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- "Ну я ещё пару вопросиков и спать". Рецензия на Assassin’s Creed Origins
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