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Horizon: Zero Dawn
Аватар Evernews Evernews

В Horizon Zero Dawn улучшили ИИ и изменили вероятность выпадения предметов


Студия Guerrilla Games выпустила новый патч для Horizon Zero Dawn. Сегодняшнее обновление улучшает версию игры до 1.10 и вносит целую кучу разнообразных изменений.

В Horizon Zero Dawn улучшили ИИ и изменили вероятность выпадения предметов

В основном разработчики занимались устранением ошибок в заданиях и фиксом багов, приводивших к вылету игры, однако в списке изменений патча 1.10 упоминаются и нововведения. В частности, теперь Элой может покупать сразу несколько предметов у торговцев. Игроки также получили возможность инвертировать ось Х у геймпада.

Заодно сотрудники Guerrilla улучшили поддержку звука 2.1 в меню, доработали ИИ как роботов, так и противников людей, а также, внимание, внесли изменения в экономику Horizon Zero Dawn, затронув в том числе и шансы выпадения различных предметов. Возможно, теперь добыча лисьих шкурок станет проще?

Полный список изменений патча 1.10 (на английском языке) вы найдете ниже.


  • Added the ability to press and hold [X] to buy multiple items from merchants.
  • Added an option to invert the X-axis from the controls tab on the settings menu.


  • Made several minor adjustments to the item economy (drop rate, distribution, cost etc.).
  • Made several adjustments to humanoid and machine AI.
  • Made minor adjustments to 2.1 stereo mix on menu sounds.

Progression Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue in the main quest 'The Point of the Spear' where some players could be teleported outside the quest area during the objective 'Loot the Sawtooth Carcass'.
  • Fixed an issue in the main quest 'The Point of the Spear' where some players could buy fire arrows from Karst rather than crafting them.
  • Fixed an issue in the main quest 'The Proving' where players would be put back into the last checkpoint for the quest, making it impossible to continue the game.
  • Fixed an issue in 'The War-Chief’s Trail' where fast- travelling away and back when Sona reached the cliff would sometimes prevent Sona’s A.I. from working correctly.
  • Fixed an issue in the sub quest 'Revenge of the Nora' where some players could be blocked from progressing due to an invisible collision near the third bandit camp.
  • Fixed an issue in the quest 'The Sun Shall Fall' where some players fast-travelling immediately after destroying the Sonic Device would be unable to progress upon returning to the gate.
  • Fixed an issue in the main quest 'The Face of Extinction' where the Day 1 Patch did not offer a solution for the roll over problem of certain players who had side quests active while completing the quest.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'The Forgotten' where it was very difficult for some players to climb the trail to Olara.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'Robbing the Rich' where the objective 'Return to Ravan' would not complete for some players after collecting the sword.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'Robbing the Rich' where no quest marker or breadcrumbing was displayed for some players on the objective "Follow the Tracks".
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'Robbing the Rich' where Rokasha went missing for some players if they accepted another quest while following the blood trail and then reloaded their save data after speaking to Keadi.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'Robbing the Rich' where Nasan would be walking around in the courtyard and could not be interacted with by some players.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'Luck of the Hunt' where dropping boar skins after collecting all 4 would cause the boar skin objective to be unobtainable for some players.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'Healer’s Oath' where Patch 1.04 did not offer a retroactive solution for certain players who were unable to progress after dropping the Thunderjaw heart from the Special Items tab.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'Traitor's Bounty' where Vanasha would not appear on the objective "Talk to Vanasha" after finishing 'The Face of Extinction' for some players.
  • Fixed an issue in the side quest 'Hunter's Blind' where the "Show on map" option on the Quest screen was grayed out and no quest marker appeared on the map or compass during the objective "Follow Talanah" for some players.
  • Fixed an issue in the area 'Cauldron Xi' where some players were able to escape the core chamber during the 'Defend the core' objective.
  • Fixed an issue where some players could clear Corruption Zones from a distance without completing its associated quest and trophy.
  • Fixed several issues where some players could become stuck in bunkers and cauldrons after completing 'The Face of Extinction'.

General Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue in the main quest 'The Point of the Spear' where the time of day dialogue option would erroneously unlock when reloading the game, after speaking to Rost at the beginning of the quest.
  • Fixed an issue in the main quest 'A Seeker at the Gates' where the gates of the Embrace were wide open.
  • Fixed an issue in the tribe quest 'Revenge of the Nora' where Aloy’s overridden Strider would suddenly become unmountable when following Varl to the Stadium.
  • Fixed an issue in the main quest 'Terror of the Sun' where a redundant save would occur every time the title was reloaded while fighting the Behemoth without any equipment.
  • Fixed an issue in the main quest 'The Face of Extinction' where a blank grey screen would be visible before the start of the Epilogue 1 sequence.
  • Fixed an issue in the area 'Devil’s Grief' where the ground texture showed a visible file path.
  • Fixed an issue where a Tallneck’s datapoint would not unlock if players fast-traveled from their head of instead of rappelling down.
  • Fixed an issue where time would slow down but Concentration would continue to recharge at the same rate when players brought up the weapon wheel.
  • Fixed an issue where some robots would not be counted for the trophy '10 Vulnerable Machines Kills'.
  • Fixed an issue where players would run into various problems if their playtime exceeded 200 hours.
  • Fixed various issues where the UI would display markers, icons, tracks, prompts or values incorrectly.
  • Fixed various issues with dialogue and contextual lines not triggering correctly.
  • Fixed various issues with players clipping through, getting stuck in or falling through geometry.
  • Fixed various issues with machines clipping through geometry and each other.
  • Fixed various issues with animation for humanoids and machines.
  • Fixed various minor issues with players skipping a sequence.
  • Fixed various minor weapons and modifications issues.
  • Fixed various minor framerate issues.

Crash Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue in the Bandit Camps where the game would crash if certain players managed to untie the prisoners after the last bandit had died.
  • Fixed an issue in the Bandit Camps where the game would crash if certain players destroyed the alarm after the last bandit had died.
  • Fixed miscellaneous crashes.
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Теги: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Игры
Аватар Evernews
8072 подписчика