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Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
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Полный список достижений Gears of War: Ultimate Edition


На официальном форуме Gears of War: Ultimate Edition был опубликован полный список достижений, доступных в игре. В основном достижения совпадают с оригинальной Gears of War; и да, тут есть достижение, для выполнения которого нужно убить 10000 игроков в мультиплеере.

Полный список достижений Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

Prison Breakout (10)

Complete tutorial path on any difficulty

Welcome to Delta Squad (20)

Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 1 (on any difficulty)

Cole? As in the Cole Train? (20)

Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)

Yeah, Yeah, Group Hug (20)

Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 7 (on any difficulty)

My Love for You Is Like a Truck (20)

Story Progression in Act 1 Chapter 8 (on any difficulty)

No More Favors (20)

Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 2 (on any difficulty)

Lights, Action! (20)

Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 4 (on any difficulty)

Taking Laverne for a Ride (20)

Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)

The Biggest E-hole (20)

Story Progression in Act 2 Chapter 8 (on any difficulty)

Smell Good Too… (20)

Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 2 (on any difficulty)

Go Time, Show Time (20)

Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 4 (on any difficulty)

Broken Fingers (20)

Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 5 (on any difficulty)

Lethal Acoustics (20)

Story Progression in Act 3 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)

I Can See You! (10)

Spot 100 enemies resulting in assisted kills in Versus (social or competitive)

Raven Down (20)

Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 1 (on any difficulty)

Fry Up With a Side of Greens (20)

Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 2 (on any difficulty)

Know Place Like Home (20)

Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)


Story Progression in Act 4 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)

Power Up (20)

Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (on any difficulty)

Marcus? Is That You? (20)

Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 3 (on any difficulty)

Shock Therapy (20)

Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 5 (on any difficulty)

All Aboard! Uh… We’re Aboard! (20)

Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 6 (on any difficulty)

A Dish Best Served Cold (20)

Story Progression in Act 5 Chapter 8 (on any difficulty)

Mercenary (50)

Complete all acts on Casual Difficulty

Classic Mercenary (50)

Complete all acts on Normal Difficulty

Soldier (50)

Complete all acts on Hardcore Difficulty

Commando (75)

Complete all acts on Insane Difficulty

Time to Remember (10)

Recover 11 COG tags (on any difficulty)

Honor-Bound (20)

Recover 22 COG tags (on any difficulty)

For the Fallen (30)

Recover all 33 COG tags (on any difficulty)

Zen and the Art of Reloading (10)

Perform 25 perfect active reloads (on any difficulty)

Zen and the Art Part 2 (20)

Perform 5 perfect active reloads in a row (on any difficulty)

Clusterluck (30)

Kill 3 enemies at once 10 different times (on any difficulty)

Dom-curious (10)

Complete 1 co-op chapter in co-op (on any difficulty)

Domination (20)

Complete 10 different chapters in co-op (on any difficulty)

I Can’t Quit You Dom (30)

Complete all acts in co-op (on any difficulty)

Don’t You Die On Me (20)

Revive 100 teammates in Versus multiplayer (social or competitive)

Always Remember Your First (20)

Finish playing a Versus match (social or competitive)

Don’t Hate the Player (10)

Finish with the highest points in a Versus match (social or competitive)

Mix It Up (20)

Win a match in every Versus game type (social or competitive)

Around the World (30)

Win a match on every Versus map (social or competitive)

Can’t Touch Me (20)

Win 10 Versus matches without losing a round (social or competitive)

Seriously … (50)

Kill 10,000 people in Versus competitive matches


Complete 100 matches of 3+ rounds in Annex and capture 3 objectives in each match

Nub Pwn3r (30)

Win 20 rounds in Annex by shutting out the opposing team

CQC (20)

Win 25 matches in Boxes (social or competitive)

Level 5 (50)

Reach Level 5

Level 10 (10)

Reach Level 10

Level 25 (25)

Reach Level 25

Re-up (20)

Reach Level 100 and re-up

Handyman (25)

Killed an enemy with every weapon in Versus (social or competitive)

G-reader (10)

Read one full comic

Brothers To The End (10)

Defeat General RAAM in co-op on Insane without either player being DBNO

Gimme Some Skin (10)

Play one Versus Match with a Custom Weapon Skin

Better Late Than Never (20)

Win 25 matches in Team Deathmatch

Whack-A-Grub (10)

Closed all 4 e-holes around the fountain in Fish in a Barrel without any Locust fully emerging

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition выходит 25 августа на Xbox One, дата выхода на PC еще не определена.

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Кандидат на «Игру года»
1205 голосов, 68.8%
Хорошо, но могло быть лучше
92 голоса, 5.3%
Самая обычная игра
69 голосов, 3.9%
Ужасно, пожалел о покупке/скачивании
59 голосов, 3.4%
Не играл и не собираюсь
326 голосов, 18.6%
Теги: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
Аватар Evernews
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