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Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Аватар Evernews Evernews

Консольные версии Assassin's Creed Origins получили крупный патч, игрокам на PC придется подождать


Разработчики Assassin's Creed Origins подготовили еще одно крупное обновление, в первую очередь исправляющее ошибки второго сюжетного дополнения «Проклятие фараонов».

Консольные версии Assassins Creed Origins получили крупный патч, игрокам на PC придется подождать

Патч 1.4.2 должен выйти уже сегодня, 10 апреля, однако загрузить его смогут только владельцы PlayStation 4 и Xbox One. Для PC-версии игры сотрудники Ubisoft готовят другое обновление; вероятно, в нем появятся некоторые изменения, специфичные для этой платформы.

Обновление устраняет огромное количество ошибок, обнаруженных в дополнении «Проклятие фараонов» и базовой игре. Вот список наиболее любопытных фиксов:

  • Теперь Тени Фараонов не исчезают после убийства сопровождающих;
  • Улучшено поведение Теней;
  • Улучшено поведение скорпионов в мирах фараонов;
  • Теперь Вечную пасть точно можно купить в конюшнях;
  • Исправлены проблемы с отрисовкой оружия Теней;
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой противники могли не атаковать игрока;
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой попадание стрелой в тело босса наносило больший урон, чем попадание в голову;
  • Устранена проблема с бесконечным спавном трупов в мире Рамзеса;
  • Исправлены многочисленные ошибки с застреваниями в мирах фараонов и выходом за пределы миров;
  • Устранена ошибка, не позволявшая счетчику прогресса дойти до 100%;
  • Луну Аару больше нельзя увидеть за пределами этого мира.

Полный список изменений обновления 1.4.2 (на английском языке) опубликован ниже:

The Curse of the Pharaohs


  • Fixed an issue during the final boss fight that could cause statues not to respawn when destroyed during the fight
  • Fixed an issue on the Italian localization that could prevent a voice line from playing during the "Burnt Offerings" quest
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Bayek and the quest giver NPC for the quest "Drowned Tools" to get stuck in each other
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Anubis Shadows to reappear if already killed when getting desynchronized right after completing a key main quest objective (no spoilers)
  • Fixed an issue where Isidora would run away if scared during the "Aten Rising" quest
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the basement during the "Soured Libations" quest
  • Fixed an issue where the "The God's Spark" objective would sometimes not be marked as completed during the "Shield or Blade" quest
  • Fixed an issue where the boss during the final boss fight could start glowing after hitting him with a heavy attack


  • Adjusted the time Pharaoh's Shadows stay after defeating it's accompanied NPCs following community feedback
  • Fixed an issue where bosses would take more damage in the body than in the head when using bows
  • Fixed an issue where the weapons of the Pharaohs didn't render properly
  • Fixed an issue with Arena bosses that could sometimes not move during cutscenes
  • Improved the behavior of bosses


  • Improved the Scorpion behavior in the afterlife
  • Fixed an issue preventing "Eternal Maw" from being available for purchase in the stables
  • Fixed an issue preventing the player from interacting with clues if he dashed at the same time
  • Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs wouldn't attack Bayek inside Tychon's office
  • Fixed an issue where the playable character under certain circumstances would remain in combat state after attacking Hyenas
  • Fixed an issue where the poison effect of the "Venomous Grace" could be applied to the other equipped weapon
  • Fixed an issue with NPC enemies that could cause them not to attack the playable character

User Interface

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Thebes icon to be absent from the 'uncompleted locations' tab
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Aaru's moon to be visible on the Aten map.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the connection line between two skills to disappear after reopening the menu
  • Fixed an issue that could under circumstances cause a graphical glitch to appear in the center of the HUD
  • Fixed an issue where loading screen hints would disappear only after loading is complete and not during


  • Fixed an issue in the Aten afterlife that could allow players to go outside of the game's boundaries
  • Fixed an issue in the Duat afterlife where players could remain stuck
  • Fixed an issue near Ramesses’ resting place that could cause infinite corpses to spawn
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Bayek to get stuck in an infinite climbing animation at Bebnum's House
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck in an infinite falling animation when climbing the mountain in the Duat afterlife for the "Shield or Blade" quest
  • Fixed an issue where a bush would not provide cover to Bayek near the Temple of Hatshepsut
  • Fixed an issue where players are able to see through the building during the "Love or Duty"
  • Fixed an issue where the banner texture in the Yebu fortress would disappear after a few meters
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck on a chest at the 'Funeral Parlor' location
  • Fixed an issue with NPC swimming animations in the Afterlife

Graphics & Audio

  • Fixed an issue where another voice could sometimes be heard over Bayek's during the final main quest "The Curse of the Pharaohs"
  • Fixed an issue with the terrain rendering during the "Burnt Offerings" quest


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an unusual long loading screen after skipping the cinematic during "The Heretic" quest

The Hidden Ones

  • Fixed an issue where the Castra Vetus Villam location would be marked as completed upon arrival in Sinai.
  • Fixed an issue with the display of the stone circles objective that wouldn't be displayed upon arrival
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a voice line to be repeated when respawning in the Sinai region

Discovery Tour

  • Adjusted the TOBII options in the Discovery Tour

Main Game


  • Fixed an issue preventing Claridas from being targeted by the Overpower skill during the quest "Old Times"


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the player to get stuck when defeating an elephant near the arena entrance


  • Fixed an issue preventing the total progression statistic to reach 100%
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the 'Almost there' achievement/trophy from unlocking
  • Fixed an issue where enemy NPCs would enter the combat state with the playable character without any provocation after having completed the "Playing With Fire" quest
  • Fixed an issue where the Hou Yi's Bow would have the instant charging ability applied and not Poison on Hit
  • Fixed an issue with the "Celestial Raiment" & "Eternal Vigil" that could not be obtained in the Heka Chests
  • Fixed an issue with the "Reporter" achievement/trophy that wouldn't unlock as intended after completing its objective

User Interface

  • Fixed an issue that would force the user to wait for an audio pack download to complete when attempting to continue a savegame without having all the required add-ons installed
  • Corrected some typos in the game


  • Fixed a texture issue that could occur when going back to Bayek after using Senu during the "Lights Among the Dunes" quest objective
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck on a chariot when approaching the objective of the "Lights Among the Dunes" quest

Graphics & Audio

  • Fixed an issue where the voice line "Will Siwa never know peace" is being repeated various times
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the quests "His Secret Service" and "Shadows of Apollo" from completing
  • Fixed an issue where the "Escort Anta" objective couldn't be completed during the "What's Yours Is Mine" quest
  • Fixed an issue where the cinematic would play inside of the whiteroom (loading screen) when fast traveling immediately after eliminating Flavius
  • Fixed an issue where the objective wouldn't update when eliminating Bandits with stealthy approach during the "Forging Siwa" quest


  • Improved the performance and stability of the game application
  • Fixed an infinite loading issue when fast traveling to any viewpoint after confirming the elimination of the Crocodile.
  • Fixed an issue with the initial whiteroom when the game is currently being installed
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Теги: Assassin’s Creed: Origins, Игры
Аватар Evernews
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