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- Промокоды Honkai Star Rail
- Все сундуки Золотого мига в Honkai Star Rail
- Похвала высокой морали в Honkai Star Rail
- Все сундуки в Лофу Сяньчжоу из Honkai Star Rail
- Первооткрыватель в Honkai Star Rail
- Все сундуки Сада безмятежности в Honkai Star Rail
- Беглецы в Доме кандалов
- Заказ прокси
- Дом кандалов: сундуки и робоптахи
- Гексанексус: Remake в ХСР
Dishonored 2: на PC вышла бета-версия второго крупного обновления
Прямо сейчас владельцы PC-версии Dishonored 2 могут скачать анонсированную на прошлой неделе бета-версию второго крупного обновления.

Согласно опубликованному разработчиками списку изменений, обновление введет в Dishonored 2 возможность детальной настройки уровня сложности и добавит возможность выбора определенных миссий для прохождения.
Патч также устранит массу разнообразных ошибок, в том числе и присутствовавших исключительно на PC. Полный список изменений (на английском языке) вы найдете ниже.
Полноценный релиз обновления назначен на 23 января, в этот же день оно будет доступно на PlayStation 4 и Xbox One. Странно, но в списке изменений не упоминается хардкорный "Железный" режим, в котором отключены сохранения, а смерть героя ведет к прямиком к началу новой игры.
- Fixed a bug where Switching off the V-Sync for the second time set the FPS Limiter to 30 instead of 60 by default
- Fixed a bug where changing the settings from TXAA to FXAA and not applying the change made the TXAA Sharpness turn to 1 instead of its previous value
- Fixed a bug where turning off TXAA Anti-aliasing does not visually disable TXAA Sharpness slider
- Fixed a bug where the changes made to V-Sync were reverted to the previous setting when turning on then cancelling
- Fixed bug where the volumetric lightning is not turned on by default at launch if it was set to off on a previous version and it can't be turned on manually anymore
- Fixed a bug where the "Fog Quality" setting is set back to low after restarting the game
- Fixed a bug where Keyboard/mouse shortcut UI could show up during possession & keyhole peeking
- Fixed a bug where Emily’s feet can be seen floating during the throne room cutscene with high FOV settings
- Fixed a bug where the Low Chaos Sokolov epilogue slide will have black windows if Volumetric Lighting is off
- Fixed a bug where the screen post processing persists in Ansel mode
- Fixed various crashes
- Fixed various save issues
- Fixed various localization issues
- Fixed various rendering issues
- Fixed various audio issues
- Fixed various collision issues
- Fixed various UI issues and added new UI for Game Update 2
- Fixed a bug where the player will instantly die if he possess a Gravehound
- Fixed a bug where a "8" could appear on the screen
- Fixed the LOD of the watchtower
- Fixed a bug where walking down stairs while a wolfhound runs up would cause the hound to bounce backwards
- Fixed a bug where pickpocketing Jindosh's pistol may cause him to throw nothing during combat
- Fixed an audio issue while loading save games
- Fixed a bug where NPCs can suddenly be seen standing during the recover from ragdoll animation
- Fixed a bug where Far Reach pulling a guard that is mantling will have no effect on the guard
- Fixed a bug where NPCs can be involuntarily dropped from a choke, causing their AI to break
- Fixed a bug where making a quick save behind a NPC while using controller configuration C would cause the player to choke the NPC instead of creating a save
- Crushing an unconscious enemy in the safe door will no longer count as both lethal and nonlethal in the stats page
- Fixed a bug where using Domino and Shadow Walk in combination will kill Hypatia without her ever transforming into Grim Alex
- Fixed a bug where the awareness feedback is triggered again when loading a save made after NPCs gained attention
- Fixed a bug where performing slide tackles or ground kicks on NPCs in moving elevators causes them to float or fall through
- Fixed a bug where the witches will idle if the player exits and re-enters a hideout during upgraded Bend Time
- Fixed a bug where guards that see a door opened by a possessed NPC ask who opened it
- Fixed a bug where the facial animation was not launched during key target assassinations
- Fixed a bug where a Sleeping Overseer may face the chair upon waking up despite knowing where the player is
- When sprint and lean mode are set to "hold", the change is now reflected in the tutorials
- No awareness is now used for corpses spotted
- Fixed a bug where Clockwork Soldiers were triggering a Snap Reaction when player is undetected
- Fixed a bug where causing an explosion during Stop Time can stretch out and break NPC models
- Fixed a bug where the gameplay thread was not updated every frame and can miss input
- Fixed a bug where physic objects go active when using the Spyglass although they're far from the player
- Fixed a bug where NPC heads do not appear on screen when picked up and cannot be thrown
- Fixed a bug where Guard NPC heads with helmets have unnatural physics when beheaded and thrown
- Deactivated Redirective Blink when swimming up/down
- Fixed a bug where the player can choke an NPC from very far away if they pull them with Far Reach while Bend Time is active
- Fixed a bug where the player is able to duplicate items by Far Reach pulling and picking up at the same time
- Fixed a bug where the Guard by Ramsey disappears shortly then returns ignoring the player when attacked from above
- Fixed a bug where the player could fall OOW when exiting a rat tunnel
- Fixed a bug where Past Stilton does not alert to the player properly after he panics once
- Fixed a bug where the game will black screen if the player dies during the transition to Long Day in Dunwall: Streets
- Fixed a bug where the player may become control locked and see OOW if they use the Timepiece and a key hole at the same time
- Fixed a bug where the player will fall OOW if they use the Timepiece during a kill move
- Prevented the player from grappling the crossbow in Edge of the World to avoid a weird retargeting if the player is far from the door or blocked by a collision
- Fixed a bug where the Gravehound skull can sometimes go through walls/ground when killed
- Fixed a bug where the amount of available traits is incorrect when replacing a trait during a craft by the same trait
- Fixed a bug where the Watchtower red light projector flare was drawn behind environment elements
- Fixed a render issue on Corvo during character selection
- Fixed a bug where a bright light during transition in time remains if the Timepiece is used to interrupt picking up a corpse
- Fixed a bug where the effects of the Dust Storm can be seen inside the Silvergraph Studio
- Fixed a bug where the living highlight sometime stutters when using Dark Vision
- Crafted Bonecharm list is now sorted
- Fixed a bug where Doppelgangers will instantly despawn on particular spots
- Fixed a bug where using Shadow Walk takedowns on Meagan and Sokolov will have the wrong animations
- Fixed a bug causing the watchtower’s position to reset
- Fixed a bug where the FOV changes during jump or sprint
- Fixed a bug where walking with a possessed NPC into water doesn't count as a kill
- Fixed a bug where the player's weapon is automatically switched when restoring health using the D-pad
- Fixed a bug where the Weapon Wheel was not slowing the duration of Bend Time
- Fixed a bug where Catfall is triggered when using Far Reach after vaulting into water
- Fixed a bug where enemies are still active after the player has killed them right before using the Timepiece
- Fixed a bug where the player is unable to switch quick select items using D-pad while the Health Elixir prompt appears
- Fixed a bug where the game terminates while entering connected standby at the end of mission cutscenes
- Fixed a bug where returning to the initial interactive screen via established user sign out while in active control areas will not present the Main Menu Load Screen
- Fixed a bug where the NPCs are ejected in the air after being shot with a sleep dart
- Fixed a bug where the player can fall from a great height onto the cliffs and survive
- Fixed a misaligned animation for an Adrenaline kill
- Fixed a bug where the player was able to fly if they Far Reach pull and picked up a whale oil tank at the same time
- Fixed a bug where Far Reach pulling NPCs then assassinating them near edges pulls the player over the edge
- Fixed a bug where NPCs are unable to be pulled with Far Reach while they are falling asleep from a sleep dart
- Fixed a bug where canceling Far Reach mid pull drops the body or object that the player is holding
- Fixed a bug where the Doppelganger appears in a T-pose when the player summons her
- Fixed a bug where Redirective Blink does not affect sitting or cowering NPCs
- Fixed a bug where jumping after using a jump Blink will cause the cooldown of Blink to return
- Fixed a bug where changing the resolution or display mode can break the rendering as if everything was rendered twice
- Fixed a bug where speakers don't play any announcements
- Fixed a bug where the player can view the Adrenaline/Blood thirst meter while looking through a keyhole
- Fixed a bug where exiting Pause Menu, Weapons Wheel, or Journal while holding The Dealer targeting or Piercing Insult charged shot auto fires
- Fixed a bug where player may become control locked and see out of world if they use the Timepiece and key hole at same time
- Fixed a bug where with 5 traits of the Bonecharm "Strong Arms"; no longer possible to grab an NPC since it's instantly choked
- Fixed a bug where the player can repeatedly initiate a combat choke on Grim Alex with no prior actions required
- Fixed a bug in Medium difficulty where Health Regeneration is set to Limited by default
- Fixed a bug where NPCs could be put into walls when using Doppleganger Swap during a corpse throw
- Fixed a bug where choking any NPC then immediately pushing them off may cause the chokehold audio to persist
- Fixed a bug where the UI Post Process isn't blurred in Pause Menu
- Fixed a bug where Player's hands have a broken texture in some spots during a dust storm
- Fixed a bug where striped shadow lines can be seen on Outsider and other NPCs
- Fixed a big offset in animation during a drop assassination on the Clockwork
- Fixed a bug where throwing a bottle at Mindy's head after completing her quest breaks her model and can lag the game
- Fixed an occlusion issue outside Jessamine's hidden chamber
- Fixed an occlusion issue across from Galvani's apartment
- Fixed a hole in Addermire building during carriage ride scene
- Fixed too loud footsteps SFX
- Fixed the marker "investigate about Sokolov" which was misplaced
- Fixed a bug where after looting unconscious Paolo player may kill Paolo and loot him again for a second Risky Parry Bonecharm
- Fixed a bug where picking up the rune in the flooded basement awards 1 coin in no powers instead of 200 coins
- The Outsider and Jessamine are no longer factored in the Global Kill Ratio
- Outsider Shrines are no longer factored in the Global Kill Ratio on the Current Stats Screen
- Meagan is no longer factored in the player’s Global Kill Ratio on the Playthrough Stats Screen
- Delilah is no longer counted towards the player’s Global Kill Count each time she appears
- Unkillable NPCs are no longer factored in the Global Kill and Global Non-Lethal Ratios on the Stats screen
- Fixed a bug where the player may never transition to the Epilogue if they chose to take the secret passage to the Throne Room
- Fixed a bug where black Occlusion walls are visible around Jindosh's mansion when red buttons are pressed consecutively
- Fixed a bug where the player may be prevented from finishing the Non-Lethal resolution cinematic if a witch or a Gravehound interrupts the scene
- В PlayStation Store началась февральская распродажа
- Dishonored 2: какие настройки сложности появились в новом обновлении
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- Скоро в Dishonored 2 появится продвинутая настройка сложности
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