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Assassin’s Creed: Origins
Аватар Evernews Evernews

Патч 1.4.1 для Assassin's Creed Origins исправляет ошибки «Проклятия фараонов» и основной игры


Этим утром Ubisoft выпустила для Assassin’s Creed Origins внеплановое обновление — обычно все патчи выходят по вторникам. Обновление 1.4.1 не добавляет в игру новые возможности, оно сосредоточено на исправлении ошибок.

Патч 1.4.1 для Assassins Creed Origins исправляет ошибки «Проклятия фараонов» и основной игры

Больше всего досталось «Проклятию фараонов», и это просто отлично: релизная версия дополнения временами подтормаживала, в загробных мирах фараонов частенько пропадал звук, а некоторые квесты просто подвисали или не выдавали все положенные награды.

Кроме того разработчики Assassin’s Creed Origins улучшили работу экскурсионного режима Discovery Tour и устранили некоторые ошибки, появлявшиеся только в версии для PC.

Самые интересные изменения и исправления

  • Исправлены ошибки в работе заданий "Восстание Атона", "Фиванская триада", "Народное достояние" и "Сожженные подношения";
  • Исправлена работа перемещения из загробных миров фараонов в Фивы;
  • Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к появлению черного экрана после загрузки игры при активном задании "Ритуалы Анубиса";
  • Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к исчезновению некоторых целей после выполнения заданий "Проклятие фараонов" или "Царь царей";
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой могли пропадать текстуры во время прохождения задания "Руки идола";
  • Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой в Фивах можно было увидеть загробные миры фараонов;
  • Исправлена ошибка, приводившая к бесконечной загрузке игры на PC;
  • Исправлена работа порталов загробные миры;
  • За прохождение задания "Щит и меч" теперь всегда выдается костюм Слуга Амона;
  • При ношении костюма Слуга Амона Байек больше не может становиться невидимым;
  • В сундуках Хека появился охотничий лук "Королевская кобра";
  • В храм Луксора вернулись флаги;
  • Улучшено поведение скорпионов в посмертии фараонов;
  • Теперь в меню снаряжения корректно показывается костюм "Меха охотника".

На PlayStation 4 и Xbox One обновление 1.4.1 уже вышло, в Steam и Uplay патч должен появиться до конца дня.

Полный список изменений патча 1.4.1 (на английском языке) опубликован здесь.

The Curse of the Pharaohs


  • Fixed a black screen issue that could occur after loading the game during the "Rites of Anubis" quest
  • Fixed an issue during "Crocodile Tears" quest that would display a wrong suggested level for one of the quest objectives
  • Fixed an issue preventing snakes to spawn with during the quest "Soured Libations"
  • Fixed an issue where the textures could sometimes disappear under certain circumstances in the 'Idol Hands' quest
  • Fixed an issue during the "No Honor Amongst Thebes" quest that could cause the playable character to be stuck in freefall animation
  • Fixed an issue where the blacksmith in the 'Burnt Offerings' quest would not unmount the horse after the playable character rescues him
  • Fixed an issue where the waypoint for 'The Theban Triad' quest would be missing when the quest is being tracked
  • Fixed an issue during the "Blood in the Water" quest where predator animals would disappear when the playable character is getting desynchronized
  • Fixed an issue where the NPC would not follow the playable character when the Swenett outpost is being completed before the 'National treasure' quest
  • Fixed an issue that causes the wisps to be duplicated in a cutscene during the "The King of Kings" quest
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the "A Necessary Evil" quest from being completed when reloading the objective immediately upon collecting the quest item
  • Fixed an issue where Bayek could become invincible during the Aaru afterlife boss fight when certain requirements are being met
  • Fixed an issue during the "Protect Tahemet" objective that could result in various issues during the cutscene
  • Fixed an issue where the playable character could get stuck when trying to unmount in the cave during the "Love or Duty" quest
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent players from interacting with a clue during the "Master of the Secret Things" quest
  • Fixed an issue with the response time of Djehuty's NPC guard during the "Find and Rescue Djehuty" objective
  • Fixed various animation issues of NPCs and Bayek during various side quest dialogues
  • Fixed an issue during the investigation objective of "The Lady of Grace" quest that could prevent players from interacting with the NPC when using firebombs close-by
  • Fixed an issue where an objective icon during the "A Pharaoh's Hemset" quest could be missing
  • Fixed an issue where objectives could sometimes disappear from the game after completing "The King of Kings" or "The Curse of the Pharaohs" quests


  • Fixed an issue preventing the player to complete the Yebu location when completing the quest "Unfair Trade"


  • Unlock the "Servant of Amun" outfit retroactively to players that completed the "Shield or Blade" quest prior to the fix
  • Improved transitions from Afterlife regions to Thebes
  • Improved the behavior of enemy NPCs
  • Improved the behavior of Scorpions in the Afterlife regions
  • Fixed an issue with the Pharaoh's Shadows when attempting to eliminate them with the overpower ability of a regular sword weapon
  • Fixed an issue with the Tahemet NPC where she would follow her schedule after rescuing her
  • Fixed an issue during the final boss fight that could cause the enemy NPC to be unable to move
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Morning Sun' bow that would not be upgraded properly to Level 45 when using the save game boosting option
  • Fixed an issue with the voice output of the Brute enemies when they are being set on fire
  • Fixed an issue where the portal to the Afterlife might not work as intended under certain circumstances
  • Fixed an issue where the playable character could get desynchronized while Tutankhamun's shadow is engaged in battle with another enemy NPC
  • Fixed an issue with the Scorpions in Serqet's chamber that could prevent them from reaching the playable character

User Interface

  • Fixed an image displacement issue when transitioning between Afterlife and Thebes
  • Fixed various text formatting inconsistencies in dialogues
  • Fixed an issue where the "Curse of the Pharaohs" progression could remain stuck at 97% in the Atlas view
  • Updated the video showcasing the dash boost ability


  • Fixed a visual issue with the Abyssal Steed when leaving a Pharaoh's Shadow fight area
  • Fixed an issue that could cause vultures in the monument afterlife region to fly in one place
  • Fixed an issue with missing flags at the temple in Luxor
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the afterlife regions to be visible in the Thebes region under certain circumstances
  • Adjusted the position of a lootable source in the Apep Khat location

The Hidden Ones

  • Fixed various NPC spawning issues

Discovery Tour

  • Reduced the repetitiveness of the ambiance dialogs
  • Disabled Senu's top attack ability in the Discovery Tour
  • Fixed an issue with the NPC animation when the Natron Tour is started with a child character
  • Fixed an issue that caused from statues during the Siege of Alexandria Tour to appear with a low-quality texture
  • Fixed an issue with the display of photos taken in the main game that would appear in the Discovery Tour map
  • Fixed Fast Travel being aborted if the player moved the camera focus away from the activation point
  • Corrected various typos in the French localization
  • Corrected some typos in the Discovery Tour timeline
  • [PC] Corrected some formatting issues in the menu when Russian localization is being used

Main Game


  • Fixed an issue where players could remain stuck if they interact with Reda during the 'Reach the vault' objective
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Lanista to traverse Cyrene and not remain at the arena after completing the 'Pax Romana' quest
  • Fixed an issue during the "Predator to Prey" quest that could cause the enemy NPC to appear in ragdoll state
  • Fixed an issue with Nikias NPC during "Wild Ride" quest that could sometimes result in the NPC getting stuck
  • Fixed an issue with the objective for the "A Dream of Ashes" quest which happened to display two quest objectives instead of only one


  • Fixed an issue that would allow enemy NPCs to spawn indefinitely
  • Fixed an issue where the playable character could sometimes get dragged into the overpower attack of a captain when he is engaged in a fight with another enemy NPC
  • [PC] Fixed an issue where players could move during some dialogue cutscenes when using the auto movement key
  • Fixed an animation issue with Viridovix during the Brothers arena boss fight
  • Fixed an issue with the 'Cobra Royale' Hunter bow that could not be obtained with the Heka Chests
  • Fixed an issue where Bayek becomes invisible under certain circumstances when wearing the "Servant of Amun" outfit

User Interface

  • Corrected the French localization for "borrowing" a felucca
  • Corrected a typo in the German localization during the Ancient Mechanism dialogue in the 'Tomb of Khufu'


  • Fixed an issue with the Rainbow visuals of the Unicorn & Unicamel

Graphics & Audio

  • [Xbox One] Fixed an issue with background music that would sometimes not playing when using language packs
  • Fixed an audio issue that could prevent systemic audio from playing when the Planetarium quest is being tracked


  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to get stuck in an infinite loading screen
  • [PC] Fixed an issue with the FOV that could sometimes cause the camera to twitch in the menu
  • [PC] Fixed an issue that could allow players to access the Benchmark tool when the game is still installing
  • Fixed a black screen issue that could occur when the game crashed during the "Rebel Strike" quest
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Теги: Assassin’s Creed: Origins, Игры
Аватар Evernews
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